Optimize notifications: Pre-purchase and Post-purchase

Optimize notifications: Pre-purchase and Post-purchase

What are Pre-purchase recommendations?

These messages are sent to customers throughout their shopping journey on WhatsApp. Based on the products added to their cart, we recommend other relevant products to enhance their shopping experience.

These notifications play a crucial role in increasing the Average Order Value (AOV) of customers, thereby boosting their overall Lifetime Value.

Control which products to recommend

By default, we use Shopify AI to recommend products to customers. This data is based on the bestselling products on your site and customer purchase behavior. This can be modified to push specific products to customers

  • You can recommend more suitable products to customers based on the items they have added to the cart.
  • You can also push your best-selling or newly launched products to increase sales.
  • Download the sample Excel file and mention the product IDs for which you want to recommend products.
  • In case the products are Out of Stock, add alternative products under fallback recommendations.
  • List all these columns in a Google sheet and add the sheet link in the settings page.

What are Post-purchase recommendations?

These are messages sent to customers immediately after an order is placed successfully. In these messages, you can recommend up to 3 products to customers.

These notifications play a crucial role in increasing the Average Order Value (AOV) of customers, thereby boosting their overall Lifetime Value.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will I get charged for Notification messages?

Why should I upload images again when I have already done so when creating the template?