1. Run Test Campaign:
If you do not receive a test message in this step, do not launch the campaign.
A quick fix is to send a “Hi” or “#” message to your WhatsApp bot from a test number and then try sending the test message again. If you are still not receiving the test message, please reach out to our support team.
To ensure this problem does not persist, we recommend interacting with your WhatsApp bot after every three messages.
2. Opt-Out Facility:
A button to unsubscribe can be provided. However, most brands are not keen on giving a button, thinking that would increase the Unsubscribe rates.
The other option is to mention 'Type STOP to Opt-Out' in the footer, so that an end-customer can opt-out by typing STOP
We will store the numbers that unsubscribed in our database and even if the brand includes it in their campaign, the messages will not be sent to those numbers
3. Using UTM parameters:
Tracking using UTM parameters will help to capture the analytics on the site you are monitoring the UTMs, for instance bit.ly or Google Analytics
Please note that the UTMs can be tracked only for templates that have Dynamic Call to Action Buttons.
4. Use Organic Contacts:
Please launch campaigns only on your customers, whose numbers you have obtained organically. This is the best way to maintain the quality rating of your API Number.
In our experience, we have seen that the brands who have launched campaigns on purchased database or acquired the data, have faced serious issues including their FBM account getting banned or WhatsApp number being blocked.
Please note : It is advisable to check the daily messaging limit on your FBM. Here are some guidelines for sending high-quality messages:
- Make sure messages follow the WhatsApp Business Messaging Policy.
- Only send messages to users who have opted into receiving messages from your business.
- Make the messages highly personalized and useful to users. Avoid sending open-ended welcome or introductory messages.
- Be mindful of messaging frequency; avoid sending customers too many messages a day. Be thoughtful of informational messages, optimizing for content and length.
5. Compliance with Policies:
Ensure that your campaigns comply with WhatsApp’s Business Policy to avoid campaign failures and maintain high account quality rating.
6. Use Rich Media:
Use images, videos, and documents in WhatsApp to make your messages more engaging and informative.
- Image Header :
- Video Header : We have seen a lot of apparel brands showcase their products in campaigns through videos. This helps the customer in picturing the products offered better.
- Document Header :
7. Handling Customer Replies:
For interactive campaigns, choose handle by type as “Handle by Flow”
Detailed resources for Flows can be found here - Flow Builder